Free users can use BitTorrent clients to manage files online, if they wish to. Those who upgraded to
4shared Premium enjoy web upload and download directly at their 4shared accounts.
In few clicks you can:
any file or folder anytime it’s needed. You can do it online. Everything is within your account!
As for the file and folder transfer with no additional software, all 4shared users are offered the free
featured 4shared app - 4shared Sync to be able to transfer any files between the computers and their
web-accounts at 4shared without uploading and downloading files for many times.
Nick, 28 “
I prefer easy life, that’s why I hate additional software, which Internet services offer
to install. In most of the situations, I just refuse to use that service and look for the
easier one. It’s great, that 4shared doesn’t require any software, great services must be easy.”
Henry, 29 “
I prefer using download managers, due to permanent electricity problems in my district.
It’s awesome, that 4shared co works with them so easily.”