Open the “Search” section in the left part of your 4shared account window.
Enter name of the file, you need.
Choose “Search my files”.
Get the results.
How to search files by their tags?
Open the “Search” section at 4shared site.
Click on “Search options”.
Put tick near the “Search by tag”.
Enter a necessary tag.
How to search files by the date of their uploading?
Open the “Search” section at 4shared site.
Choose “Recent” option if you want to find files that have been uploaded recently.
Just search regularly if you want to get the whole 4shared results.
How to search files by their size?
Open the “Search” section at 4shared site.
Put tick near “Specify size” option.
Specify necessary file size.
Specify “large” or “small” file size in the “Size” menu.
Testimoni :
Maria, 39 “
I’m always looking for things in my apartment, so with my 4shared account, it is the same.
I’m a Premium user and back up plenty of my files at 4shared, but if there were no search
option within my account, I would sink in a sea of my files. Thank you, 4shared!”
Fareed, 42 “
4shared search option is very comfortable and effective, and it always provides you with
the most relevant results.”